Emilia Sandoiu
Author&Coach Emilia Sandoiu

I spent over 27 years learning how to master my mind and change my behaviours. As a result, I am now a happier, more confident and fulfilled person.

My mission is for you to be able to do the same in your own life because if I can do it, you certainly can. Are you ready?

A few things
about me

For over 20 years, I struggled with anxiety, self-doubt and fear of failure as well as the consequences of untreated childhood trauma.

No longer, thanks to the skills offered in the Give yourself the Gift of Living Again book I am a different person than I was before, which is why my purpose in life is to provide easy, demonstrated techniques that anybody can use to adjust their thinking and behaviour patterns.

Living my dreams: Graduation Day and Your Future Starts Today Book Launch

I believe every person has something unique to share, and their gift must be put into action to create a legacy and impact positively the world.

Since my childhood years, I loved reading books and aspired to become an author and poet. Thus, I never gave up on my dream and decided to help millions just like you by writing my first book: Your Future Starts Today, as well as sharing my story and wins, and how you can live your dreams too.

It is thrilling to think about how, throughout the past 14 years, I have helped hundreds of people boost their self-esteem, rediscover their passion and purpose, achieve their goals and live their dreams by utilising my NLP, sales, team building, and leadership skills.

What a transformational self-discovery journey I have had! From being anxious, depressed, and bankrupt in 2009 to becoming an award-winning author, licensed master in NLP, and intuitive transformative coach; also to graduating with Honours in International Business, become an inspirational speaker, blogger at Find the Spark Within as well as the founder of Take Action Now Transformational Program!

However Also…

I made my life more difficult than it needed to be. For decades, I verbally abused and shamed myself. I allowed perfectionism, anxiety, people-pleasing, and other self-sabotaging tendencies to take control until I hardly recognised myself as a result of allowing them to dominate. On the outside, you’d think I appeared carefree, but on the inside, I was mercilessly beating myself up and frustrated that things never went my way.

How do You Relate?

It’s tiring. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably never taken a vacation. You’re hard on yourself and, to make matters worse, you agonize over why your life isn’t working. Even though it’s been years since you’ve had no clue what’s holding you back, you just can’t seem to get where you want to be.

It’s time to take a step towards the life you want

I can show you how

The Small Step You Need to Take Control of Your Life

Giving yourself the gift of life again and obtaining what you want out of your job, at home, and in your relationships may be difficult.

It isn’t. You can do it. All you need to know is how to do it. And I am here to show it to you.

In my most recent book, Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again, you will discover proven and efficient practice that provides you with the confidence to change your life. It transforms the most significant relationship you have on this planet: your relationship with yourself.

as seen on …