Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again book

Discover How to Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths

Practice Self-Love, Gratitude and Forgiveness Techniques and Create the Life You Have Always Wanted


You’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out.

You want to enjoy your life, but you feel like you can’t because of your past.

Millions of people are living their lives based on their past challenges. This is not living.

Life can be hard, but it’s also beautiful. It’s time for you to start living again by practicing self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness.

Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again will show you how to turn your past challenges into strengths by practicing self-love, gratitude and forgiveness.

With this book, you will be able to create the life you’ve always wanted for yourself.

Millions of people are trapped in their past selves and seek help on how to have a better life.

In this guide you will find unique methods for transforming your previous difficulties into assets and enjoying your life every day.

This book is for people who feel as though they are stuck in a rut and that their ideal life is unobtainable.

You will find a fast route to achieving the life of your dreams. It also provides access to free resources and worksheets to help you in your journey.

This guide will show you how to cultivate self-love, appreciation, and forgiveness so that you may move on from your problems and achieve your goals.

I’m here to help you in any way I can. I also provide free Strategy Call session where you will discover how to get yourself back into the driver seat of your life.

WELCOME to the Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again!


  • How to boost self-esteem and confidence by developing self-awareness
  • How to boost your self-esteem and confidence by being grateful
  • How to boost your self-esteem and confidence by practicing self-love
  • How to boost your self-esteem and confidence by learning to keep promises
  • How to unleash the giant within and achieve success.

Inspiring Testimonials

“Have you have ever felt that you could be living a better life but there’s just something holding back and you are not sure what it is ? Then this book will help you and guide you to living a better life beyond what even you can imagine right now and is highly recommended.
In this book Emilia describes her journey and the steps she took to take back control of her life to give herself the gift of living again and so much more as she shares her wisdom and inspiration. 
The book is packed with examples and tools you can use to boost your self-esteem; gain clarity and improve self-confidence as you discover more of who you really are and become more aligned with your higher self.” 

Giles Hayes/Certified Clinical Regression Hypnotherapist/ .

“This book manages to dig deep and enables us to ask ourselves questions about who we are, what we can achieve and why sometimes we do not achieve the goals we set ourselves. In real life there are many obstacles that can prevent us reaching our goals. I leave you with a quote from H. Brown Jr: ‘The best preparation for tomorrow, is doing your best today.”

Prof. Paul BhangalCEO of Arts & Business College of London/Chairman of London Education & Arts Foundation/

Give Yourself The Gift of Living Again Book

How to Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths

Give yourself the Gift of Living Again is a step-by-step guide comprising 10 chapters on how to give up your past, convert your problems into strengths, and enjoy life in the present!

Chapter 1:You Deserve The Gift of Living Again     


Take Action Now Program

In chapter 1, you will be introduced into the process of how to convert your past challenges and learnings into strengths. You will discover:

  • -Introduction on How You Can Turn Your Past Challenges into Strengths
  • -What it Takes to Give Yourself the Gift of Enjoying Life Again
  • How this Book Can Give You that Opportunity

Chapter 2:The Story of Your Past Challenge

This chapter shows how to give yourself the gift of moving on from your problems with self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness.

In this section, you will learn about the six phases that will help you break free from your past.

People get caught in their past selves because they don’t realize the difference between self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness.

The three-step method for self-love, appreciation, and forgiveness is demonstrated, along with how to give yourself the gift of life again.

Chapter 2 displays:

  • The Reason Why People Get Stuck in Their Past Selves
  • How Can You Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again
  • Introducing Three-Step Process of Self-love, Gratitude and Forgiveness

Chapter 3:The Process of Converting Your Past Challenges into Strengths

Take Action Now Program

The chapter emphasizes the importance of turning your past challenges into assets, since it may assist you to enjoy life more.

The three stages are easy to follow, but they need dedication for results to be seen:

  • How to Identify Your Past Challenges 
  • How to Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths
  • Practical exercise with examples to identify and convert your past challenges into strengths. Free worksheets available.

Chapter 4:Give Yourself The Gift of Self-Love       

Take Action Now Program

In Chapter 4, is highlighted the importance of self-love in order to give yourself the gift of living again.

You will also discover:

  • The Importance of Practicing Self-Love
  • How to Practice Self-Love ( exercises and worksheets)
  • How to Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths with Self-Love

Chapter 5:Give Yourself The Gift of Gratitude

Take Action Now Program

In this chapter, the significance of expressing gratitude and how it may aid in the transformation of your past difficulties into strengths was addressed.

You have the power to enjoy life every day and move on from your previous problems by practicing thankfulness.

Furthermore, you will explore:

  • Simple Steps on How to Practice Gratitude every day ( free downloadable available).
  • Easy exercises and examples on How to Convert Your Past Challenges into Strengths by Practicing Gratitude

Chapter 6:Give Yourself The Gift of Forgiveness  

Take Action Now Program

The chapter highlights the importance of forgiving oneself and how to practice self-forgiveness.

It explains how to identify if you are stuck in the past and how to let go of past mistakes:

  • The Top Benefits of Practicing Forgiveness
  • Practical steps on How to Give Yourself the Strength of Forgiving Yourself
  • The Magical Letter of Forgiveness to Let Go of Your Past Hurt and Enjoy Freedom

Chapter 7:Create Healthy Habits and Reach Your Goals 

You will learn how to develop healthy habits, set limits, and say no when necessary.

As well as attain a different perspective in order to obtain the skills you need to reach your objectives.

Furthermore, how to alter your viewpoint and acquire the tools you require to have a happy and successful life:

  • Why is Important to Create Healthy Habits
  • How to Create Healthy Habits
  • Free Worksheets and Printable on How to Identify Your Unhealthy Habits to Create Healthy Habits
  • How to Develop Strong Boundaries and Stand Up for Yourself/Be True to Self

Chapter 8:Free Yourself  from Your Mind Chatter and Enjoy Living Again

In chapter 8, you will explore how to free yourself from your mind chatter and turn your past challenges into strengths.

You will know how to quiet your mind by practicing meditation.

Also, how to make the most of your past problems by forgiving yourself and practicing self-love and appreciation.

If you are stuck in a rut, try giving it another go at life by following the pointers in this chapter.

Thus, this chapter covers:

  • What is Mind Chatter with Examples
  • How to Free Yourself from Your Mind Chatter to Enjoy Life More ( practical tips)
  • The Wisdom to Focus in the Moment to Live not Survive Daily

Chapter 9:Master Your Mind: Acting vs Reacting

Chapter 9  is all about how to make use of harmful emotions as a vehicle for personal development.

As well as how to recognise and utilise strong feelings for good.

You will also get my top five suggestions for dealing with difficulties and adversities!

Find more tips on:

  • The Principles of Acting vs Reacting and How Can Benefit Your Life to Act
  • How to Turn Your Negative Emotions into Advantages ( practical exercises and tips)
  • How to Take Ownership of Your Life and Live the Life You Deserve

Chapter 10:Give Yourself the Gift of Living with Purpose

Take Action Now Program

In the final chapter of this book, you will discover how to live life with purpose and appreciate each day.

Moreover, you will know more about how to determine your purpose in life and live by it.

Also, how to overcome any roadblocks that might be keeping you from fully living a meaningful and happy life.

Therefore, it covers:

  • How to Identify Your Purpose
  • How to Connect with Inner Child and Live with Purpose
  • How to Take Action Now and Make an Impact in this World by Being You!

If you are ready to start living your life with meaning and enjoyment, Book Your Free Discovery Call with Emilia Now.

Give yourself the Gift of Living Again book

By reading Give Yourself the Gift of Living Again book, you will discover how to practice self-love, gratitude, and forgiveness so that you can start living the life you have always desired.

Moreover, you will learn how to love yourself again, find joy in every day and feel at peace with the world around you.

It’s time for a change! This book can help you live a happier life by showing you simple but successful techniques.

If any of these terms represent what is going on in your own personal situation, I have wonderful news for you: this book was written specifically for people like you who are searching for advice on how to live their lives more fully.

Thousands of individuals worldwide have benefited from the author’s experience and expertise in developing new habits and techniques to help them both physically and mentally improve their lives.

Now it’s your turn to do the same thing! Don’t put off any longer… Start now and order your copy below!

Give yourself the gift of living again book